History of the Worms Square and Compass Club
(Starting Club of PMR Lodge)
In February 1971, four Brothers discussed the state of Masonry in Worms over a cup of coffee in the Taukkunen Barracks Snack Bar. They were R.W. Brother William E. Smith Jr., W. Brother Kenneth Smith, Brother Lindberg E. Downey and Brother Edward D. Martin. R.W. Brother Smith recounted how a previous attempt to establish a formal organization in Worms had never been pursued completely. Brother Martin volunteered to undertake an informal survey in Worms to determine how many Masons were here, and if they would be interested in forming together to further the cause of masonry.
The month of March was devoted to this survey nineteen Master Masons were located and interviewed, most expressed a desire to band together; but some did have reservations about being able to support a Club or Lodge numerically or financially.
Early in April, Brother Martin began making plans for a discussion meeting. He wanted to bring these Masons together and find out why they were not active, and try to form the basis of a future organization. The first meeting was scheduled for 29 April in the Lounge of the Taukkunen Barracks chapel. Twenty-two Master Masons attended this meeting. After two hours of discussion, both pro and con, it was decided to hold a second meeting two weeks hence, and use the intervening weeks to canvas the Headquarters for Master Masons.
The second meeting again at the Taukkunen chapel lounge, was held on 14 May. From an attendance standpoint this meeting was a failure, with only nine Master Masons present, but the reports were encouraging. TDY, Leave, Duty, and a mandatory social engagement had kept many from attending. It was decided to hold a third meeting, and to invite a representative of the ACGL to be present to outline what had to be done before a Lodge could be had in Worms. The date was set as 26 May in the Domschänke Restaurant. V.W. Brother Jack D. Blaisdell, District Master for the ACGL and presiding Master of Triangle Lodge No. 834, Mannheim, was invited.
The third meeting, the most crucial to date, opened with prayer at 1930 hours. Twenty-five Master Masons from Worms attended. V.W. Brother Blaisdell outlined the work required to bring a Lodge to light. A vote was taken and unanimous decision rendered to undertake the project.
On 9 June, a social evening was held at the Domschänke. 47 Masons with their ladies attended. It was the first Masonic function held in Worms and was a tremendous success. The future program for Worms was outlined by Brother Martin and enthusiastically received by all. The ladies volunteered to assist in every way possible. On 23 June, a business meeting was held at the Domschänke. Committees were appointed to begin drawing up a set of by-laws for a Square and Compass Club. A financial committee was appointed to determine ways to raise funds, and a committee to locate a permanent meeting place. The organization began to take shape. The date for the actual formation of the Club was established as 7 July. Elections would be held and the by-laws adopted.
On 7 July 1971, thirty-three Master Masons assembled again in the Taukkunen Barracks chapel lounge. They voted unanimously to form a Club to be known as The Worms Square and Compass Club. A set of By-Laws was adopted and five officers elected. Brother Edward D. Martin was elected President, Brother William Henderson, 1st Vice President, Brother Truman Newhart, 2nd Vice President, Brother Richard Nielsen and Brother Earl Hicks, Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. Brother Martin appointed Brother Douglas as Chaplain and Brother John Lofton as Marshal/Tyler. The avowed aim of the Club was to bring a Blue Lodge, under the American Canadian Grosse Landesloge, to light in Worms.
Brother Martin began to organize the administration of the club and using the guidelines set by V.W. Brother Blaisdell and R.W. Brother Jess Minton, ACGL Land Grand Secretary, set committees to work.
A second social evening on 21 July was held at the Rhein Cafe with 59 club members, ladies and guests attending. R.W. Brother William E. Smith Jr. presented the club with a bible which formally rested upon the altar of Benjamin Franklin Lodge # 52 Orleans, France. The ladies, under the leadership of Sue Dodd, reported that they would hold a White Elephant Sale on 15 September to aid in establishing our initial treasury.
Following our business meeting on 4 August and a third social on 18 August, the five elected officers and R.W. Brother Smith travelled to Frankfurt and met with R.W. Brother Minton on 19 August. A request for recognition of the club was submitted along with copies of all the forms we had produced. A target date for submittal of the partition for dispensation was set for 20 October.
Brother Dick Nielsen began the task of sending letters to the home and affiliated lodges of 44 charter signers, for the Square and Compass Club reached that figure on 1 September. During September, letters of good standing arrived on all but four of our petitioners. The Club was saddened by the loss of Brother Charles H. McIntire, who suffered a serious heart attack on 7 September and was later evacuated to CONUS. On 15 September 76 Club members, ladies and guests were present at the White Elephant Sale. This project brought over 600 dollars into the treasury of which 200 dollars was donated to the ACGL Peter M. Rasmussen Fund.
Wednesday, 6 October, saw another milestone reached in the Worms project. The bylaws for the future lodge were voted upon and adopted. An election was held to determine the names of the proposed officers of the lodge. Brother Edward D. Martin was elected Worshipful Master, Brothers Gerald Dodd Senior Warden, John O. Lofton Junior Warden, Earl Hicks Treasurer and Richard Nielsen Secretary. The name of the lodge was unanimously chosen. It would be Peter M. Rasmussen Lodge AF & AM. During the interval from this meeting until 20 October, Brother Martin appointed Brothers John Peterie, Senior Deacon; Douglas Sowards, Junior Deacon; Joseph Reves, Marshall; Demery Austin, Chaplain; Louis Santelli, Senior Steward; Richard Simmons, Junior Steward; and John Justice, Tyler.
The idea for the name of the Worms Lodge first occurred to Bro. Martin and R.W. Bro. William Smith while returning to Worms from the Past Master night in Alt Heidelberg in May 1971. The night was to be in honor of Bro. Pete. He had taken a turn for the worse and was unable to attend. While discussing his illness, the conversation turned to his eventual passing away and the future memorials to commemorate his contribution to German-American-Canadian Freemasonry. The choice of the name was discussed in the Worms Square and Compass Club and adopted by vote at a meeting in October 1971.
Justification for Lodge Name
The Worms Brethren desire to name their Lodge as a memorial to our first Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Peter Marius Rasmussen. The Lodge would be known as:
Peter M. Rasmussen Lodge No. __ A.F.& A.M.
The Masonic history of Brother “Pete” is well known to every Mason in Germany. In the twilight of his life, he knows the friendship and brotherly love afforded him in the material sense. But there exists no memorial which will survive his passing from this life when the dark day arrives. There will be the eulogies extolling the virtues of his full life, numbering his deeds, recounting his efforts to obtain for his Brothers the right to meet in their own Grand Jurisdiction. Later there may be a medallion awarded annually to some Mason, and it will be called “The Peter M. Rasmussen Award for __“.
The eulogies will be spoken and forgotten by both speaker and listener when the echo ceases to ring; The purpose of the medallion will be forgotten by the future giver, and cherished by the receiver for its intrinsic value alone. But a Lodge, bearing the name of Brother “Pete” becomes a living memorial carrying on Masonic work in his name, furthering the goal he had of bringing light to those in the dark. Every candidate coming in the door and every Master Mason walking out receives light and gives light in his name.
Most memorials are erected and dedicated long after the honoree has joined the Celestial Lodge above. We in Worms desire to bestow on Brother “Pete” this highest of Masonic honors while he lives and can know that his memory will be revered long after he leaves us.
On 20 October, the Deputy Land Grand Master, V.W. Brother William E. Denny, and R.W. Brother Minton attended the Square and Compass Club social. The petition was handed over by Martin to V.W. Brother Denny. A portrait of R.W. Brother Peter M. Rasmussen was unveiled by V.W. Brother Denny and Brother Martin.
During November, Brother Martin, along with Brother Dodd, Hicks and Nielsen, attended the ACGL Semi Annual Communication at Darmstadt. In response to an invitation from W. Brother Dr. Valentin Schmitt, Master of Zum Wiedererbauten Tempel der Bruderliebe # 135 Worms, Brother Martin and 13 Brethren of the Worms Square and Compass Club attended Lodge on 27 November in the Festhalle. Relations between the German and American masons in Worms were off to a good start.
This start was followed by much hard work by the brothern and their ladies through the winter. They held monthly, meetings and social events. There was a period of hard times between Worms and Mannheim, which was put to rest when Triangle Lodge #834 voted to sponsor the Lodge into the ACGL.
The official announce that the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the United Grand Lodges of Germany had granted the Dispensation to for the Lodge was overshadowed by Land Grand Masters Decree #2 causing all Lodges to veil their alters in black due to the passing of R.W. Bro. Peter M. Rasmussen on 8 February 1972. But after the funeral service on Wednesday 16 February 1972, the work went forward.
The Institution, Consecration, and Installation of the Lodge were held 25. March 1972 at 14:00 Hours in the Domschänke. The Symbolic Light of Masonry was brought to us by the Brethren of the German Lodge in Worms “Zum Wiedererbauten Tempel der Bruderliebe #135” in the person of W Bro. Valentin Schmidt. As part of the program was a bus tour for the Ladies. The day was closed with a Dinner-Dance in the Bürgerhaus, Hofheim